Wang Ying Wei
Director of the Centre for Palliative Care
Professor Wang Ying Wei is the director of the Centre for Palliative Care and medical consultant in Hualien Tzuchi Hospital. He received his MD degree from Taiwan University and PhD from Tulane University in US. He completed his residency training in Family Medicine in Taiwan University Hospital. He was the former Director General in Health Promotion Administration MOHW, the chief in Heart Lotus Hospice in Tzuchi General Hospital, and director in the Department of Medical Humanities, Tzuchi University. He started the first Buddhist hospice programme in East Taiwan since 1996. He is a council member of APHN. He developed many innovative programs for geriatric care, palliative care and medical humanities in Chinese Taipei in the past few years. His specialty included palliative care, geriatric care, medical education, and health promotion.